

Project Topic: Any topic related to engineering and/or technology regardless of discipline

Participant: Any young professionals at the age of 18 - 30 (for Sections other than Secondary School Section)

Current secondary school students in Hong Kong or Macau aged under 25 years old (for Secondary School Section)

The number of places is limited in YPEC 2024, participating teams will be accepted after prelim screening and on a first-come-first-served basis.


Secondary School Section AWARDS





All Participants



1st Runner Up


2ⁿᵈ Runner Up


Merit Award (2 nos)


Best Innovation Award


My Favourite Pitching Award


My Favourite Poster Award



1  The prize may be delivered in book vouchers or any other prize of equivalent amount


SD / UG / PG / ON Section AWARDS



Trophy Prize  
All Participants


1st Runner Up

2ⁿᵈ Runner Up

Best Innovation Award

My Favourite Pitching Award

My Favourite Poster Award




FOLLOW ME to know more about PATW



Each Secondary School team has to submit:

Project Abstract

> No more than 200 words in English
> Microsoft Word format
> Assessed for screening (if necessary) and competition

Standard template of the project abstract is available in DOWNLOADS. Each team shall email the abstract to [email protected] by the DUE DATE.


10-min Presentation + 5-min Q&A
> English ONLY
> Multimedia presentation
> Students in proper school uniform


Structure (not restricted except for front page)
> Front page (inc. team member names, school name, project title)
> Content page
> Introduction and background
> Main body of presentation
> Conclusion

The presentation teams should ensure their connection & equipment are available for presentation.

Each team shall email the presentation to [email protected] by the DUE DATE.

Poster & Booth

Each team should submit one poster PDF file and set up a booth on event date to explicate their project, explain and demonstrate their ideas.
> Size of the poster should be A0
> Should not be more than 25Mb.
> Poster should be in English

Those teams should submit their poster designs before DUE DATE to [email protected], clearly stating their team number and the name of affiliation.

Apart from the abovementioned compulsory submissions, teams are recommended to deliver the following items to compete for the relevant awards:

2-minute Pitching (Optional)

Each team can submit a 2-minute Pitching Video to briefly explain their ideas and compete for My Favourite Pitching Award.

> No more than 2-minute pitching video (English)

Those teams who would like to compete for the award should submit their video before the video submission DUE DATE to [email protected], clearly stating their team number and the name of affiliation.


Product (Optional)

The “product” could be a model, photos or videos that demonstrate the ideas of the project.


Each Sub-Degree / UnderGraduate / PostGraduate / OpeN Section team has to submit: 

Project Abstract

> No more than 200 words in English
> Microsoft Word format
> Assessed for screening (if necessary) and competition

Standard template of the project abstract is available in DOWNLOADS. Each team shall email the abstract to [email protected] by the DUE DATE.


10-min Presentation + 5-min Q&A
> English ONLY
> Multimedia presentation
> Business formal attire


Structure (not restricted except for front page)
> Front page (inc. team member names, section, project title)
> Content page
> Introduction and background
> Main body of presentation
> Conclusion

The presentation teams should ensure their connection & equipment are available for presentation.

Each team shall email the presentation to [email protected] by the DUE DATE.


Each team should submit one poster PDF file to explicate their project, explain and demonstrate their ideas.
> Size of the poster should be A0
> Should not be more than 25Mb.
> Poster should be in English

Those teams should submit their poster designs before DUE DATE to [email protected], clearly stating their team number and the name of affiliation.

Apart from the abovementioned compulsory submissions, teams are recommended to deliver the following items to compete for the relevant awards:

2-minute Pitching (Optional)

Each team can submit a 2-minute Pitching Video to briefly explain their ideas and compete for My Favourite Pitching Award.

> No more than 2-minute pitching video (English)

Those teams who would like to compete for the award should submit their video before the video submission DUE DATE to [email protected], clearly stating their team number and the name of affiliation.

Product (Options)

The “product” could be a model, photos or videos that demonstrate the ideas of the project.

Info Sheets are downloadable HERE

YPEC 2023 Information Sheets are the only official source of event information unless otherwise specified.